Canvas is the name of the virtual learning environment (VLE) where you will find the content for the Future Skills course that you have enrolled on.
You can log-in to the Canvas VLE using this link: or access it via the Future Skills website
Your log-in will be the email address and password you created when you registered with Future Skills.
When you log in to Canvas you will be presented with your Dashboard [1]. You will also find links to all your Courses [2] on the same navigation menu. At the top you will find recent Notifications [3] and this is also where pending invitations will appear. Located below this are tiles linking to individual courses [4].

Clicking Courses link will bring up a link to all courses [5] and a list of the courses you are enrolled on.

Course Homepage
When you click on a course tile you will be directed to the course homepage. You will find links to:
Announcements [6], messages from your course leads
Modules [7] a list of links to course information and content
Discussions [8] a place for students and staff to have conversations about the course
Quizzes [9] - location of course quizzes/surveys, the feedback survey for students that have completed the course is located here.
To do lists [10] upcoming tasks for your attention.

User data
Before users have full access to the course, they will need to fill in a form that collects user data. Click on "Some info about you" [11] which will take you to the User Data form. This step has to be marked as done [12] for the user to be able to access the rest of course content.

The data you provide will be used for the purposes of reporting to the Scottish Funding Council (SFC). "SFC collects personal data of students in Scotland’s universities in order to carry out our public tasks. These include to appropriately allocate funding to universities, monitor their performance and to improve the student experience." For further information please visit SFC's page on how your data is used: