How do I change my notification settings in Canvas?
Some people find that they receive too many notifications from Canvas - especially if you're receiving push notifications from the app as well as email notifications.
If you find you receive too many notifications, you can customise the notifications you get from Canvas to suit you. You can do this at Course level or set up your preferences on a Global level, which will affect every course. You can also choose whether you receive emails or push notifications if you're using the Canvas Student app.
Note: Please do not turn off all notifications, as you will miss important information and updates about your courses.
Global Notifications
Click the Account link [1], then click the Notifications link [2].
Now you can set your Notification Preferences for each contact method.
Each notification is set to a default preference. To change a notification for a contact method, locate the notification and click the icon to set your preferred delivery type:
notify me right away
daily summary
weekly summary
Off (No Notification)
If you change a setting, the change is made immediately to your account.
Note: Unregistered contact methods will appear in notification preferences but will not receive notifications until you confirm the registration.
Set Push Notifications
If you have enabled push notifications in the Canvas by Instructure app, the Notifications page displays a Push Notification column. Please be aware that push notifications can only be sent to your mobile device right away or not at all—daily and weekly notification options are not supported.
Additionally, setting preferences inside the app will override preferences set in the notifications page. There's a video below if you prefer to watch a recording of this:
Set Push Notifications (1:50)
Notifications for Individual Courses
Notification settings adjusted from your account apply to all of your courses, to set notifications for your individual courses, navigate to the course and select 'View Course Notifications'.
Now you can choose how you wish to receive each type of notification:
We have provided a video alternative below where you can watch a demonstration of changing your Course Notification settings if you prefer:
How to Change your Notification Settings at Course Level (2:02)